Family Emblem

Uphold the long history of family, The Old England Manor hopes to pass on our ideals of sustainable management to successor in continuous generations and become a hotel for century. Hence, the emblem symbolizes our family spirit where is marked on our clock tower.

Our family emblem is engraved the word “LO” which carried by the two cherubs represents the manor’s surname, meanwhile it benefits our faith and diligence for centuried traditions. While have been through hundreds of years, hoping that the feature of The Old England Manor is still regarded timeless and its novelty. The family emblem stands for our persistence which transforms its beauty and elegance of decorative art and becomes our culture of life.

Fantastic journey

The castle on the cloud leaning against the mountain stands its most graceful posture.

It stores elaborately crafted of large-scale art works and extremely elegant decoration.

As well European castle while opening the iron gate, a fantastic and beautiful journey will be unfolded.

The bell of happiness is ringing.

The Gothic clock tower in the Old England Manor rings at noon and the afternoon at three and six pm everyday.
The sharp and clear bells refresh the moments of entire hill and linger Cingjing village where is centred around the manor.

Hence the warm senses of belonging is obtained.



下午茶時段 AM11:30~PM16:00 每客500 + 10%服務費










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The Old England Manor ‧ B & B Certificate No. 294‧295 Qingjing ‧ No.20-3, Shouting Ln., Renai Township, Nantou County
2015 copyright © The Old England Manor site by Weichunglee Graphics / Goods Design
049-2802166 049-2802169